Wildblue Champions of RecordDecember 16, 2021 - Happenstance Better Than That, CGC x Wildblue Skybreaker (co-bred with Amanda Gross) Grand Ch Happenstance Better Than Never November 28, 2021 - Happenstance Stop at Nothing x GCh Happenstance Wildblue Illuminated (co-bred with Amanda Gross) Ch Happenstance Ring of Fire December 20, 2020 - Int / Natl / Am Ch Yonder Oaks Quid Pro Quo x Wildblue Put to Flight (co-bred with Amanda Gross) Ch Happenstance Superfly, RN September 4, 2020 - Wildblue Thornlost x Ch Wildblue Valkyrie Ch Wildblue Bosque Bright, CD NA FD May 28, 2020 - Ch Happenstance Outrun the Storm x Wildblue Skyfire (co-bred with Amanda Gross) Ch Happenstance Critical Piece December 11, 2018 - Etherial Chance to Dream x Wildblue Skybreaker (co-bred with Amanda Gross) Grand Ch Happenstance Break the Bank, BCAT May 27, 2016 - Wildblue Stormlight x Ch Wildblue Valkyrie (co-bred with Amanda Gross) Ch Happenstance Distant Thunder August 20, 2015 - GCh Lacey Cashel Wild Thing I Think I Love Ewe x Sporting Fields Indigo (co-bred with Juli Lacey-Black) BISS Bronze Grand Ch Lacey's Ewe Know Ewe Want Me April 28, 2015 - Ch Wildblue Mirage x Wildblue Iridescence (co-bred with Amanda Gross) Grand Ch Happenstance Wildblue Illuminated March 4, 2015 - Ch Sierra's Rapture of the Deep x Wildblue Speak Softly (co-bred with Kasie McGee) Grand Ch Copper Ridge Fill the Middle January 30, 2015 - Ch Wildblue Before Sunset x Ch Wildblue Valkyrie (co-bred with Amanda Gross) Am / Braz / Pan Grand Ch Wildblue Tyr September 4, 2014 - Ch Kybota Wildblue Rhythm x Wildblue Radiance Grand Ch Wildblue Ammardan City Rhythm August 30, 2014 - Wildblue Light a Fire x Ch Wildblue Tartan Vesper Ch Wildblue Memory of Light June 21, 2014 - Ch Zecara's Cooler Than Me, RN CGC x Grand Ch Wildblue Mischievous Spells, alphabet soup (co-bred with Amanda Gross) Grand Ch Happenstance Playin' it Cool, NA Ch Happenstance Keeping it Cool November 13, 2013 - Aust Sup Ch / Am Grand Ch Bordalace Flash N Dash x Ch Wildblue Tartan Vesper Ch Wildblue Watch N Ward Ammardan, RN CGC Ch Wildblue Shock N Awe October 30, 2013 - Ch Wildblue Seeker x Ch Sporting Fields Theory of Relativity Intl/Natl Ch Wildblue First Rule April 26, 2013 - Wildblue Tartan Victory X Ch Sporting Field Ms B Havin at Power House (co-bred with Debbie Butt) Ch Wildblue Riled Up January 9, 2013 - Bayshore Avatar Incantation X Wildblue Speak Softly Ch / Jr Ch Wildblue Spell of the Gold Country, RN HIC Grand Ch Copper Ridge Wildblue Essential January 4, 2013 - GCh Bayshore's Hot Chocolate at Avatar X Can Ch Kesca Pipers Sunset Melody Ch Wildblue Before Sunset January 3, 2012 - Wildblue Tartan Victory X Wildblue Tantrik Ch Wildblue Feel the Heat September 15, 2011 - Wildblue Storm Shadow X Ch Sporting Field Ms B Havin at Power House (co-bred with Debbie Butt) Ch Wildblue Night Fury Ch Int / Natl Ch Wildblue Valkyrie, CGC August 12, 2011 - Ch Wildblue Echoes of Thunder X Sporting Fields Indigo (co-bred with Debbie Butt) Ch Wildblue Resonance May 29, 2011 - Bayshore Avatar Incantation X Ch Wagons Ho Jinx Grand Ch / MBIS UKC Ch / Int/Natl Ch Wildblue Mischievous Spells BN,RN,OA,OAJ,NF,CGC,TDI,AOM,EAC,OAC,NCC,TG-O,WV-O,TN-O,HP-O, XGT-N,XBR-N Ch / UKC Grand Ch Wildblue No Reservations, BN RN CGC UKC Ch Wildblue Hypnotized, BN RN CGC April 18, 2011 - Ch / Can Ch Noteworthy Prophecy in Time, HT X Can Ch Kesca Pipers Sunset Melody (co-bred with Laura Shaw) Grand Ch / Can Ch Bellaclan Sunset Symphony, CGC HIC March 13, 2011 - GCh Sporting Fields Come What May X Wildblue Speak Softly (co-bred with Kasie McGee) Ch Copper Ridge Carry a Big Stick March 9, 2011 - Wildblue Storm Shadow X Wildblue Tartan Mist Ch Wildblue Silver Storm January 19, 2011 - Ch Wildblue Caoirean X Bayshore Avatar Soulbound Ch Wildblue Soulcast November 11, 2010 - Ch Wildblue Eternity X Nakiva Cocoa at Wildblue Grand Ch / Int BIS Int/Natl Ch Wildblue Ruema Seven of Emerald August 17, 2010 - Ch Wildblue Eternity X Can Ch Kesca Pipers Sunset Melody (co-bred with Laura Shaw) Grand Ch Bellaclan Red Hot Highroller, HIC Ch / UKC Ch Bellaclan Queen of Hearts, HIC January 15, 2010 - Ch Wildblue Eternity X Wildblue Tartan Mist Ch Wildblue Ethereal Ch Wildblue Peep Show, RN July 16, 2009 - Ch Kybota Wildblue Rhythm X Wildblue Eternal Dream Ch Wildblue Seeker Ch Wildblue Winds of Wyoming May 22, 2009 - Ch Kybota Wildblue Rhythm X Can Ch Kesca Made Wild Ch Wildblue Prophecy May 16, 2009 -Ch Wildblue Mirage X Wildblue Tartan Mist Ch Wildblue Tartan Vesper February 8, 2009 -Ch Wildblue Mirage X Maliway Classic Rule Grand Ch Wildblue Ammardan Assumed Risk November 20, 2008 -GCh Borderfame Signature X Wildblue Pale Fire (co-bred with Debbie Butt) Grand Ch Sporting Fields No Autographs Please of Heronwood Grand Ch Sporting Fields Go Your Own Way to Infinity Grand Ch C-ATCH2 Sportingfields Jay Jay The Jet Plane, RN NA MX AXJ February 1, 2008 - Ch Wildblue Caoirean X Wildblue Eternal Dream (co-bred with Barb Clark) Ch Wildblue Mirage Ch Aspenkeep Distant Thunder January 18, 2008 - Ch Wildblue Caoirean X Wildblue Tartan Mist Int / Natl Ch Wildblue Milis Orain of Emerald June 15, 2007 - Wildblue Where There's Thunder X Wildblue Tartan Mist Grand Ch / Int Ch / Int BIS HIT Wildblue Tartan Sett, MAOM HSAs RA September 14, 2004 - Ch Shoreland RowdyMt Hug-a-Bear X Wildblue Wings of the Storm Ch Wildblue Rowdy Mt Stormy Bear, HSAs March 3, 2004 - Ch Kybota Wildblue Rhythm X Wildblue Wings of the Storm Ch Wildblue Storm in a Teacup Ch Wildblue Hail Damage December 28, 2003 - Ch Kybota Wildblue Rhythm X Aust Ch Rhonabwy Secret Whispers, ADX JD Ch Wildblue Caoirean December 26, 2003 - Ch Kybota Wildblue Rhythm X Ch Wildblue Sandpiper Ch Wildblue Days of Thunder January 17, 2002 - Aust Grand Ch Danbeth Fullstop X Aust Ch Rhonabwy Secret Whispers, ADX JD Ch Wildblue Eternity Ch / Dt Ch Wildblue Infinity Ch Wildblue Eon, OA OAJ DK Ch Wildblue Legacy December 31, 2001 - Ch Bayshore's Indiglo X Ch Korella Wildblue Sunset Ch Wildblue Diamond in the Ruff Ch Wildblue Soul of the Fire Ch Wildblue Silver Haze November 11, 2001 - Wildblue Sunstorm X Aust/Am Ch Korella Weave a Dream Ch Wildblue Storm Watch Ch Wildblue In a Dream Ch Wildblue Weave a Storm, RN May 31, 2001 - Ch Pikkupaimenen Spy Catcher X Ch Wildblue Walk on the Ocean Ch Wildblue Walks on Water, NA NAC NJC Ch Wildblue In the Ocean of Night May 10, 2000 - Ch Korella Blue Thunder X Ch Korella Wind Dancer Ch Wildblue Echoes of Thunder Ch Wildblue Chase the Clouds Ch ROM Wildblue Thunder Dancer, NA NAJ Ch Wildblue Sandpiper October 30, 1999 - Ch Jemhaven Bleu Laddie X Ch Korella Wind Dancer Ch Wildblue Desert Wind January 2, 1999 - Aust Ch Devondene Kiwi Legend, CD X Ch Korella Royal Charm Ch Wildblue Walk on the Ocean Ch Wildblue Rain on the Moon Ch Wildblue Arms of the Angel June 3, 1998 - Ch Korella Royal Command X Ch Darkwind's Blue Devil Ch Wildblue Touch of the Devil Ch Wildblue Th' Devil Made Me Do It |
Wildblue Other TitlesWildblue Devil's Playground, HT Wildblue Found the Cure, CGC Wildblue Like Magic, AX AXJ OAJ CGC Wildblue Dream On, CGC Wildblue Dream Catcher, CGC Wildblue Thunderstorm, HT Wildblue Make Waves, CD Wildblue Silent Storm, CD AX AXJ Wildblue Dare to Dream, CGC BH Wildblue What's Your Secret MACH Wildblue Thunder Rolls, AX OAJ Wildblue Silver Sky, NAP Wildblue The Sky is the Limit, RN CGC HIC NATCH 8, VersNATCH 5 Wildblue Enchanted MX, MXJ, MJB, MXF, S-HP-E Wildblue Storm Rising, OA NAJ HIC C-ATCH Wildblue Amhran, CGC PD I CL4 Wildblue Lakota Moon, CGC Wildblue Secret Thunder, CD RA NJP NFP CGC Wildblue Mystic Rune, AXP AJP NF CGC TDI Wildblue Roy, CGC Wildblue Ever Choc, OA NAJ C-ATCH Wildblue Stonewashed, CGCA Wildblue Xe, CGC Wildblue Midnight Clear, CGC Wildblue Tiger Lily, CGC PTHD HTD lv 1 HTAD lv 2 Wildblue Colorado Ben, CGC Wildblue Mile High Flyer, NA CGC BID SSD Wildblue Midnight Snow, CGC TDI Wildblue Iridescence, CGC NTD RACH Wildblue Roxie, CGCA RE BN CDX PCD FDC TDA Wildblue Sky High Mackenzie, CGCA BN CD PCD TDA Wildblue All About That Bass, HSAs HSDs RE OA OAJ AXJ JHD TI Wildblue A Few Screws Loose, RI DJA TKA Wildblue Tartan Dynamo, AX AXJ MXF RATCHX3 Wildblue Vincent Van Gogh RATM DM DSX7 ASXII HDN HDJ CZ8B TKI DDB BCAT Wildblue Wind on the Shore, AAD Wildblue Waiting to Bloom, PD Wildblue Rembrandt, TKA ETD CGC Wildblue Soaring Skies, NA CGC Wildblue A-lot-a Colada, CGC RN TKI RACH Wildblue Lily in the Sky, RM3 RAE2 TKN Wildblue Sea Breeze, CGC Wildblue Norman Rockwell, RATI RATN DN CGC TKN Wildblue Highlands Bryn Boy, DS Wildblue Mountain Magic Lindsey, ACT2 XF MX MXJ MJB |
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